Icons and Images in Cultural Studies
Bent Sørensen, Aalborg University

Oulu, April 10 -13, 2007

These four sessions, two lectures and two workshops, aim to explore the role and function of icons and images in the world of cultural texts and in cultural studies in general.

Course plan:

1 - Tuesday, April 10. Icons and Iconicity: The strange cases of Elvis Presley and Jane Fonda [Lecture website]
Bent Sørensen: “Sacred and profane icon-work: Jane Fonda and Elvis Presley”
, in US Icons and Iconicity, (eds. Hölbling, Rieser & Rieser), pp. 237-257, American Studies in Austria, vol. 4, LIV Verlag, Austria, 2006 (ISBN 3-8258-8669-7)

Cultural texts:
Jane and Elvis icons
(power point), Barbarella (excerpts to be shown in class), Elvis' letter to Nixon (see slides at the lecture website), Raymond Federman: The Two-fold Vibration (excerpts to be read aloud in class)

2 - Wednesday, April 11. Imagology: Adversarial and collaborative uses of Uncle Sam [Lecture website]
Bent Sørensen: Countercultural Icon-work: Adversarial and Collaborative Uses of Uncle Sam(Accepted for inclusion in Communities and Connections volume, ed. Ari Helo, Helsinki, 2007)

Cultural texts:

Uncle Sam icons (power point), Allen Ginsberg: "America"
(sound recording), The Grateful Dead: "U.S. Blues" (sound recording)

3 - Thursday, April 12. Icon and image workshop -
Material for the workshop is here.

4 - Friday, April 13. Music video analysis-workshop -
Material for the workshop is here.

Students are invited to write term papers following the course sequence. Go here for suggested topics and bibliography. From there you can also e-mail me.